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This is about David Waters. Following is an Story Many Will Not Live!

My experience includesAbout David Waters

  • Remedial Diploma
  • Reflexology Diploma
  • Sports Trainer
  • Head Trainer

Where I’ve Worked

  • North Adelaide Football Club
  • SANFL State teams
  • Adelaide36ers
  • Home Business
  • EPSA Morphette Vale
  • Integrated Health Solutions
  • Good Life Health Club North Adelaide

Coming soon, is more about my life story and how a Major car accident causing severe brain and spinal injury didn’t stop David from doing 10 things, most people dream about. In Motivation, Courage and not Giving Up

It’s an amazing life of here and now. The unfortunate part maybe is most people take life for granted. It is easy to be come invincible. Sometimes you need to consider what if?

Watch for my story and how David, did a lot of things, that were told near or impossible. Sure, there have been many mistakes, we are not that perfect. 

Yet, What you need to understand what life is about. Have you ever thought what if something really bad would happen, how would it affect your life? Chances are most think “It will never happen to me”

Trouble is it happened to David.

This story is something that needs to be shared wide and to help people think.

Just What If?

Think to yourself, how often have you seen or heard about a accident, a death or something, which is just to hard to consider. Chances are most of those people, would not have thought it would happen to them.

This is about Davids, Life Change

Lol, many would think OMG was he a female? No, its about an accident, a bad one, it happened in outback Western Australia. Rolled a car and suffered brain damage (Frontal Lobe and spinal injuries (c6/c7). 

If you know me now you probably wouldn’t have guessed, unless you were told.

The Thing is, it happened and completely changed life. 

  1. Total memory loss of life pre accident
  2. Wore a collar for 12 months
  3. Lots of small injuries

You know, one thing it really is only 2 points, and both 1 and 2 are life changing no matter what you think.

Just think, imagine waking up in hospital, and having no memory of your past life.

  • Your family
  • Friends
  • Places
  • Work

It’s pretty hard to comprehend, and thinking it was only me, it turns out many people have suffered injuries like this, let alone all those who are born with a disability.

There are 2 paths to a Brain Injury

  1. Depression
    1. This taken by so many and so many, have talents, they don’t attempt to or cannot try
  2. What Have You To Lose
    1. This is what too few attempt to do. It is a hard road to ride, and amazing when you do this and find out what is possible

In Davids case he did do this and is sharing it in a book about “What Happens If You Just Do”

Looking at a lot of people they treat life with little attention to going out and enjoying life and having security of having something, just in case.

In fact, I was not given much of a future, medical people I talked to said there was no future due to the brain problems. More about this in my book which is on the write at present.

Many People Don’t Do

I look at people and what they do and many tend to sit back and not build on their dreams and make something of their life. Maybe they listen to friends, family etc and think, no its too hard. But, really, what have you to lose?

I look at this site (it opens in a new tab) 21 Billionaires who were once poor Open Here Later of course. These people were poor and they just gave it ago and made a difference in their life’s.

This is what I did, with no memory of working on big machinery on mine sites or on tour coaches, a new job had to be found. Luckily the company kept me on. And I had to learn how to work in an office with absolutely no experience etc of what to do. 

What happened?

First, I taught myself to touch type with a borrowed mechanical typewriter, 10 wpm in a couple of weeks. Then learned from 2 people what to do in an office, started a TAFE course and just put my mind and what if it takes to get there. 

Just the share determination, allowed me to be transferred to another state and in charge with one other person looking after warranty for 4 international diesel and Transmission companies. We organised and worked with dealers and branches in the South Pacific, from Hawaii (not including Hawaii) to parts of Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

What about the Spinal Injury?

Living with the idea, that your spine, could have been surgically corrected or left to heal was a decision to make. It was decided against. 12 months after the injury Surgeons said, to not left to many heavy things and be very careful.

David asked, is it ok to run? Imagine the answer to that? After a discussion it was decided if or what ever is to be part of my life. If it hurts stop!!!

So I had this thing about running. So I ran and ran, this was before Forest Gump the movie, I laughed when I saw that, it’s just how I felt. In fact, 2 1/2 years after the accident I ran the Melbourne Marathon.

Now those two things are pretty big and 2 big challenges that are inspiring. My question to you, is have you had big ideas, dreams and still just that?

Ask yourself not why. Ask yourself, how to make them reality.

David, could have been like so many people and just sat back and become depressed of just thankful to survive.

There have been many things which have made a change in life and everyone of them was a challenge which was not expected to have happened, after all medical people built a wall bigger than the Great Wall ofChina Wall, my marriage broke down, to this day, I still cannot remember been married or in partnership with her. 

This site will tell you about dozens of people with disabilities etc who have made it Open Here

About, Some of the things which make me smile and have succeeded at

  1. Ballroom and Latin Dancing
  2. Head Trainer of a SANFL team
  3. Massage and Remedial Diploma
  4. Marathon 3:30 Hours
  5. Touch Type 110 wpm
  6. Brought a house, leaving the marriage home with nothing just my clothes
  7. Anatomy and Physiology Exam 98% Mark
  8. In Charge of A Department in 13 months after returning to work
  9. Never Giving in, just thinking What Have I to lose
  10. Started my own Massage Business

What would be great is to see anyone who is what ever normal is to give something a go in their life. There is nothing to lose and so much to gain. 

No matter who you are if you think life is hard, I know like you it is. That is what makes life tick.

Would you rather on your last days on earth, think

  • What if
  • I wish I did
  • I gave it my best shot doing

Think about it. There is more to come, just consider the next hurdle is just that. When your not sure.

  • Plan
  • Discuss
  • Know your Destination
  • Give it a go
  • Do something about it
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